Interesting Survey

I received this email today from Erik Samdahl, the Director of The Institute for Corporate Productivity.

…I wanted to inform you of new study results that just went out today regarding anti-discrimination policies. The study, conducted by i4cp, found that most companies have formal anti-discrimination policies in place, but communicate these policies poorly to managers and employees…

Here is a summary of the study results:

– 43% of organizations reported that they have faced EEOC-protected class harassment charges, discrimination charges or litigation at some point.
-82% feel their current policies/communication are adequate for protection
-90% have a formal anti-discrimination policy
-80% rate anti-discrimination training as either somewhat or very important
-93% rate race as somewhat or very important among multiple discrimination categories (ranging from race, gender and age to disabilities, pregnancy, sexual orientation and military service)
-The most common discrimination complaints reported by companies revolved around the issues of race, sexual harassment, gender and age.

The Anti-Discrimination Practitioner Pulse Survey was conducted by i4cp, in conjunction with, in December 2007 and had 258 responding companies.

You can read the full press release here:

Normally, I don’t really pay attention to random surveys done by Whomsoever at Whatsoever Institute, but I felt that this one had some credibility. I know that I have worked in places where this sentiment has been stated/felt.

Gives us something to chew on, don’t it?

One Reply to “Interesting Survey”

  1. Lori –
    I’ve recently started a blog on leadership and leadership development called “Great Leadership”:
    I’ve been a practitioner in the field of leadership development for over 20 years. I’m currently the Manager of Leadership and Management Development at a Fortune 500 company (and a “Best Place to Work” winner).
    I just wrote a post as a tribute to HR bloggers and included your site on my list. Stop by and check it out.


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