Laid Off Camp – A Gathering of the Unemployed


The first ever “Laid Off Camp” is taking place on Tuesday, March 3 at 10 AM and “is an ad-hoc gathering of unemployed & self-employed people (including entrepreneurs and startups) who want to share and interact with each other.”

Some session ideas include:

* Living on a budget
* Building your personal brand
* Finding a job / work in this market
* How to freelance / be a consultant
* Finding co-founders

Register here or here or here. Or you can contact Chris Hutchins at


3 Replies to “Laid Off Camp – A Gathering of the Unemployed”

  1. I have to say that I am very impressed of the group or person that started ” Laid Off Camp SF” Congratulations!. You have a big potential in the business world. I am a business owner since 20001. I started my career as a tax preparer in 1994. I now own a tax preparation firm and I am also an Income Tax School provider. We are in difficult times right now. However, for those that are unemployed this is an opportunity to move to a higher level in their career or to start a new one. I offer Tax course during the year. I think taking short study courses sometimes can help you and bring extra money or can take you to higher level in life.
    I would love to participate in your gathering. Please let me know if I can participate by sending me a mesasge.

    Thank you,

    Vanessa E. Tamariz

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